I know from personal experience that when it comes to getting your personal finances in order, taking those first steps is one of the most difficult...
Saving money is an essential part of financial stability, and it can be a challenge to get started. Whether you’re saving for a specific goal or...
Planning an effective date is both an art and a science. It is a science because successful planning requires both an understanding of your partner and...
With my previous post The Best Place To Hide Money – Conversation With A Burglar being one of my most popular posts ever on this site,...
If you’re interested in personal finance, you probably know who Dave Ramsey is. If you don’t know, he’s a television and radio personality (and author) who...
It would be nice it there was a standard answer to the questions, “How long does it take a check to clear?” which would be applicable...
So, what exactly is an emergency fund? In simple terms, it’s a stash of money you’ve set aside for unexpected expenses. Emergencies can happen at any...
Dollar stores have become quite popular and there are definitely tons of deals. While you may want to visit your local dollar store to see if...
If you’ve lived in your house for any length of time, you may find yourself bored by your home. If you watch too many shows on...
If you have kids, chances are good that at some point you have been heard to say “Untie your shoelaces before your take off your shoes!...