When discussing personal finance, the issue of debt is usually portrayed as somewhat cut and dry: it’s bad, and we all should be actively pursuing a...
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Up until recently, “retirement” used to mean essentially the same thing for most people: You (or your spouse) would get a job, which would provide you...
Many people want to save money, either to give them more room in their budget or to help them achieve specific financial goals. While the...
Are you on the other side of school? Are you one of the 70% of students who graduated with an average of $28,400 in student loan...
It’s important to have some money set aside for a rainy day. You never know when you’ll have an emergency, and having some funds saved for...
Did you know that April is National Financial Literacy Month? Its purpose is to bring awareness to the importance of financial literacy and educate people on the...
Some people are “pound wise and penny foolish.” That is, they focus their savings efforts only on big items while letting small amounts of money slip...
While 2021 brought many new advancements—including widespread vaccine distribution and reopenings—the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic continued to wreak national chaos due to illness, inconsistent mitigation, increased inflation,...
Shopping online can save you money, especially when you combine it with online savings codes, deals of the day, no-taxes-charged, and free shipping offers. That’s because...