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I Quit My Corporate Role to Work a ‘Lazy Girl Job’ Instead — Here’s How This Career Change Helped Me Earn 10 Times More




Editor’s Note: Gabrielle Judge, AKA Anti Work Girlboss, writes exclusively for Entrepreneur+ but offers this article free of charge to our readers. Subscribe today to access her upcoming and newest articles to help you make more money and work less.

You’ve probably heard of the “lazy girl job” trend that’s been going around. I’m the one who created it.

I’ve gotten mixed reactions from media outlets, some saying it’s a bad thing. But the reason why I actually got a lazy girl job was so I could become an entrepreneur. Let me explain.

“Lazy girl jobs” are not a secret list of jobs promising minimal work for high pay. In fact, there are barely any rules that dictate what is or isn’t a “lazy girl job.” The only definition I truly have is a job that allows you to have the autonomy you desire.

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For some, it can mean running a small business, being a desk assistant or working in the gig economy. It’s all about taking control of your work-life balance. Work culture has shifted so much since the pandemic. Everyone got a taste of what remote work feels like, setting up your schedule how you want and no longer having the pressure to commute or be physically present. Remote work was a huge gift that showed us how autonomous our lives could be.

So, as funny as it might sound, I got a job that allowed me to be lazy so that I could become an entrepreneur.

Here’s how I got my start

My first job out of college was in the tech industry. At the time, it felt like I landed my dream job — good pay, nice office, etc. My job title was technology consultant, and the responsibilities were vague.

This was a breeding ground for projects outside of my job description, an arbitrary career lattice I could aspire to climb, and an employer-backed private equity firm that changed direction every quarter. They loved how much I loved to do work, and they never said no to me taking on more responsibilities without a raise or promotion. I was confident I was going to be super successful. This was brought to a sudden stop when I got a concussion and could no longer use my brain in the same way that helped me work more than 40 hours.

I did something really scary during the healing process of that concussion. I decided to quit to find a “lazy girl job” — during the so-called “Great Resignation Era” in 2021 and 2022.

Another way of looking at it was I was becoming underemployed — working a job for which I had more qualifications than was required. I did not have the fun and cute nickname for it yet. It was not fun at all and quite scary to me at the time. I felt like I was taking a step back and was not “getting ahead” like I expected myself to do with every career decision for the rest of my life.

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I took on my first “lazy girl job” because making content was calling my name. TikTok was gaining traction during this time, and I developed a community by posting about my career on the app. I had many side hustles and part-time jobs in my teens and early twenties, and I was able to share my experiences with my followers.

So, I spent two hours a day at my “lazy girl job.” I worked at Wix and found my job quite pointless in terms of the business’s goals. I loved this job because it allowed me to focus my energy on becoming a content creator and educator.

I never got fired. I enjoyed my bosses and working environment. I really had no complaints. I just knew this wasn’t my 40-year plan, and for some reason, the longer I stayed true to my goals for my business while maintaining a good standing at my job, the more I trusted myself.

Fast-forward a year and a half. I had more followers than my employer. My content was becoming a distraction at work. It was challenging to complete my mere two-hour daily quota, so I started my exit from that job. It was difficult to put in my two weeks. Every part of what I knew about work and financial safety was tested. During my first month on my own, I made 10 times what I normally would. I felt like I could finally breathe a sigh of relief and know I had made the right decision.

My advice to those considering the switch to a “lazy girl job”

When I created the term “lazy girl job,” my goal was to help young people trust themselves more. The biggest thing stopping me from going straight to entrepreneurship full-time was that, for whatever reason, I just didn’t believe in myself. I want young people to feel more confident about taking on an “easier job” and a work environment that allows them to have more work-life balance. Ultimately, you will have enough room and clarity to find your true zone of genius.

My “lazy girl job” was a stable safety net that didn’t exhaust my mental health or waste my time. If you want to become an entrepreneur, I recommend finding a job that still allows you to have a steady income but gives you more autonomy to work on the things you are passionate about.

However, there are more reasons to get a “lazy girl job” than just to become an entrepreneur. It’s okay to take the gas pedal off your career at any moment for whatever reason. We are all just trying to get ahead and worrying about what step lies ahead of us on the never-ending corporate ladder to be climbed.

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On my platform, I talk a lot about “anti-work.” This doesn’t mean I don’t like to work — I do. It means decentering the corporate definition of work.

Successful work doesn’t have to be mindlessly agreeing to whatever learning opportunity lands on your desk in the name of upskilling. Maybe that project you agree to is just made up of busy work from a few links up the chain of command created to justify that person’s role’s existence. Maybe that project provides no intrinsic value to the organization or your career, and you’re wasting time completing it.

It’s okay to pause and slow down today to eventually speed up tomorrow. Or maybe speed up in a few years, or maybe never. “Lazy girl jobs” was a huge social experiment for me. It was intentionally polarizing and intended to make a statement on the lack of productivity I see today in the workplace. I also forgot to mention — it’s not just for women either!

Read the full article here
