Save Money

How To Lose Weight, Quit Smoking, And Save The World



LOSE WEIGHT: A hedge fund guy I know — who never struck me as fat — spent $13 million of his own cash to develop SweetDefeat, which you can try out for quite a bit less.*  It’s a tiny plant-based lozenge you dissolve on your tongue that blocks your ability to taste sweetness.  This reviewer tells the story.  (And — FREE BONUS! — note her link to a separate study, of a separate weight-loss idea, showing that if you take a whiff of peppermint every two hours, you’ll consume 2,800 fewer calories a week.)

You’re welcome.

QUIT SMOKING: Here’s how Garrison Keillor kicked a three-pack-a-day habit.  A really nice read.  And here’s the book I’ve plugged before that’s help literally millions of people quit — including Ellen DeGeneres and at least one of you (who wrote to tell me).  Allen Carr’s Easy Way To Stop Smoking.  (Or as I put it in my book: one way, when you get to be my age, you have an extra $1 million in your Roth IRA; the other way, you’re broke and have lung cancer.  Stark, yes — but our young friends really need to know this.)

You’re welcome.

SAVE THE WORLD:  It’s not about advertising — persuading Trump supporters to vote Democrat — it’s about ORGANIZING — getting those literally tens of millions who reliably vote Democrat every four years but not in midterms to vote in this mid-term.  So . . . send folks to and to Join Team Blue and here!  And if you’ve done well on FANH or HD (and can forget the others), here!  I’ll see whatever you do and jump through the screen to say . . .

Thank you.

Editors Note: This article was originally published on September 24th, 2018 on, syndicated with permission. 

Read the full article here

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