As we go through each decade of our lives, our financial goals and needs change. During your twenties and thirties, you may be focused on growing...
When you’re creating a new budget, it’s normal to wonder what factor is the most critical part. While it seems like a simple question, the answer...
Actual money seems to be a thing of the past for many, with plastic emerging as a more convenient form of payment. To buy groceries, swipe...
This month has truly been filled with unexpected events. It was the first time in March Madness history a 16 rank team bet a number 1...
The world of finance and investments is notorious for its extensive use of jargon. With a goal to enhance financial literacy and make the world of...
When people are just starting out on their financial journey, they often ask, “Why should I save money?” Then they start filling in answers like retirement,...
Did you know that the oldest federal agency in the United States is the post office? Technically speaking, the post office was conceptualized by the Founding...
Did you know that April is National Financial Literacy Month? Its purpose is to bring awareness to the importance of financial literacy and educate people on the...