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MONEY HACKS: Should You be Using Socially Responsible Investments?



Have you heard of, or considered, socially responsible – or, what the industry now calls ESG, investments? These vehicles can focus on sustainable, socially conscious, “green” and/or ethical screens for the companies they own in their portfolio (i.e. mutual fund or ETF). They seek to consider both financial return and specific environmental, governance, and social metrics to do help investments do well by “doing good.” In this Money Hacks episode, I sat down with Clarice Avery of Natixis Invest Managers. We talked about all the things you should know when considering an ESG investment for your retirement strategy. You can learn more at Natixis’ site and ESG101.


 If you have a money question you’d like answered, don’t forget to email us! This series is made from calls and questions we get from employees, investors, savers, and people just planning for their future, so if you have a question, let us know

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